
.Scorched Sands is an FPS Survival Horror set in a modern day dystopia where in the day you fight soldiers and by night you fight off horrible mutants.
.The game was made in a month and a Third for the final project of the Protons 2018 Programming Track by three people (Khaled Nassef,Abdullah Mortada,Adham Gaweesh) under the supervision of Mohamed Mohsen Ghannam and Ziad Eslam
. Download the game now!


The world was in total destruction because of World War 3 which went nuclear. The remaining states have divided their cities into factions. Every faction was a big landmass surrounded by a wall. It was perfectly symmetrical from inside. However, the faction system did not hold for long. Evolved monsters broke the factions' defense and only attack at night. This forced the people to stay home for most of the time. Also gangs began to emerge and rule the streets. You are one of the remaining people on the planet, (Ethan) and your goal is to survive from the gangs that rule the cities in daylight and the monsters that lurk in the darkness. How long will you surviveā€¦